Living Word Church is located in Brodhead, a community of over 3,200 in southern Wisconsin. The city is 35 miles south of Madison and two hours northwest of Chicago. Living Word’s sphere of influence is not limited to Brodhead. The church is becoming a regional ministry with at least ten different communities represented in the church. The immediate area and surrounding communities have a population of about 10,000 people.
Living Word has a unique role in the community. With an average Sunday attendance of about 175, we are the only church in Brodhead that emphasizes the fullness of the Spirit, the only evangelical church with full-time ministry staff, and the only church with a paid youth position. We recognize this as more of a responsibility than opportunity and endeavor to be a blessing and encouragement to the other churches in town.
The primary responsibility of the youth pastor is overseeing a ministry of outreach and discipleship for middle and high school students. Because we are unique in town in having a full-time youth pastor, we take seriously the call to reach the youth of the community. In other words, the role of youth pastor is not just to conduct youth meetings for church kids, but to evangelize and disciple students who have no youth group.
The youth pastor’s skill set must include the capacity to lead an adult youth ministry team. The ability to utilize the abilities of this team and delegate responsibilities is a must.
Depending on the candidate’s gifting, call, and interest, there is ample room to expand ministry influence and experience. For example, there is always opportunity for family ministry when students are involved. Additionally, we have need for administrative oversight of the children’s ministry and the development of an intentional plan to transition elementary students from Awana to IMPACT Youth group.
Regular opportunities will also be given to preach in Sunday services.
A degree in a field useful in full-time ministry is preferred (not limited to Theology or Ministry), and previous leadership experience in youth ministry is required. Though ministry competency is necessary, it is secondary to character. We are looking for a candidate who upholds the highest standards of conduct in relationships, finances, and personal holiness.
If interested, email Russ Doebler at with:
• Resume
• Introductory letter (include current church and pastoral reference)
• Current family photo or Facebook contact info