Two Prayer requests:

1. Janette Stone has sent this prayer request for her mother:

> Hi everyone,
> Just wanting to send a note and request for prayer. My mom, Carolyn found out on Friday this past week that she has a tumor on her brain and will need surgery. The tumor is on the lining of her brain in the area where her vision is. She hasn’t been experiencing symptoms much to the doctors surprise…Praise the Lord! The brain surgeon is saying the tumor is most likely benign and surgery will be a 3-4 hour procedure with a 3-4 day hospital stay. She has to get a bunch of paperwork done and then they will get her scheduled for surgery…so we don’t have a date at this point. I will let you know when I have that information. Unrelated to the tumor, she also has some other lesions on her brain as well…and the doctors can’t do anything about these…but we know the Great Physician!
> Please stand with our family and pray for God’s grace, strength, healing and wisdom. There are some other situations that my parents are dealing with as well right now too…so I ask that you just uphold them. I know we serve a mighty God who holds us on His hands.
> Thank you for your prayers,
> Janette

Second request: Grace sent this text in for her dad, George Mckenzie:

– George is back in ICU
– He is stable but white blood count is up.
– pray for the bleeding in his brain
– neck injury causing pain and shoulder arm issues
– the swallowing is the cause of re-curring infections
– he has pneumonia
– pain is preventing his physio from progressing.

God is able to make all grace abound, in healing, strength and courage.

Thank you for your prayers.

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