Today, Friday, December 12th, Ned Collingridge passed away. His son, Rich Collingridge announced that there will be a celebration of his father’s life at the Philadelphia Church, Seattle, Washington, Saturday, January 10, 2015 at 10:00 AM.

Ned served the Fellowship of Christian Assemblies in so many ways – Dean of the Seattle Bible College, as a Missionary, and all-around confidant and encourager. He was 96 years old. Please pray for all of the Collingridge family members at this time.

Submitted by Gerald Adams.

One thought on “Ned Collingridge, Home with the Lord

  1. Dear Rich,
    I just now discovered that your father had passed away! So sorry my response and profound condolences is so late in coming! I wanted to write him again today, as we had a long ongoing email exchange as a fellow discernment brother in Christ. My good friend Joe Infranco, introduced me to him, as an “elder of elders”. He was 100% right! He had fathomless insight and was a perpetual encourager to me personally and my ministry. Several years ago I once called him because I was in such despair because of the assault I was under by so-called Christians and even pastors. I thought he would respond by being a good shoulder to cry on as he had such a big heart! But to my surprise he said: “Don’t worry, it is only going to get worse!” I will never forget his wise words and counsel, which I will never forget…and was he ever prophetic, in light of the two Supreme Court rulings last week! I will sorely miss his counsel and rich fellowship in Christ! If you send me your email address, I will give you my music ministry website and songs of encouragement to you and your family and friends!

    Kindest regards in Christ,
    James Sundquist

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