by George Bradley.

We are saddened by the sudden passing of our dear sister in Christ, Mrs. Faith E. Splane, 55, who went home peacefully in her sleep on Monday the 4th of April early in the morning at her home in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada. Faith is survived by her loving husband, Ernie Splane, and their three daughters, Tammy, Nadine and Charissa and their families, and many dear friends in the family of God throughout the world.

Many in our fellowship will have met Faith while she attended our conferences and churches often with her much loved sister in law, and long time missionary to India, Miss Evelyn Splane. Faith had a devotion to the Lord and to His work, and had stepped forward to strengthen the work in India begun by Sister Evelyn, and has been a constant encouragement and missionary partner to nurture support and growth to the kingdom of God in the nation of India. Faith was blessed to be the Lord’s servant and missionary to India, and she will be especially deeply missed by the many pastors and churches that have been given support through her ministry.

In lieu of flowers any Memorial gifts may made to: Gospel of Christ Outreach, P. O. Box 47, RR1, Site 2 Lacombe Alberta T4L 2N1 and will be received to be used for the support already designated towards the sponsorship of more than 21 pastors, many orphaned children and the Prasanthi Old Age Home that cares for 25 senior citizens that otherwise would be utterly destitute. For more information for yourself or your missions boards please refer to A proposed additional goal is to have an outreach to provide support to 50 pastors in a highly persecuted area in the state of Orissa, India.

A memorial service is being planned for Monday, April 11, 2011 at 2:00 pm. to be held in her home church of Liberty Christian Assembly in order to celebrate the grace of God so evidenced in her life. Come and worship Our Lord Jesus Christ with us as we give Him thanks for this wife, sister, mother and grandmother who has gone home to worship at the throne of the Lamb ahead of us. Officiating the service will be long-time friend, David Duinker (senior pastor of Bethel Pentecostal Assemblies of God [FCA], of Sexsmith, Alberta). Liberty Church is located at 1B – 6315 Horn Street, Red Deer, AB T4N 6H5.

Condolences may be sent c/o Liberty Church or directly to:

Ernie Splane and family,
Apt 507 – 4700 – 55th Street
Red Deer, AB T4N 2H8
Phone 403 -506-4904

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