As we approach Father’s Day, I can’t help but think of the importance of honoring the fathers in our lives, not just our parents, but also honoring the spiritual fathers in our lives. We have been blessed to have some great spiritual fathers and mothers over the years in the FCA who have left a legacy of deep connection and family. I know I have been tremendously blessed by being part of a family of ministers and ministries who are actively pouring into others and pouring into the next generation of leaders. I am thankful for all of those who have gone before me and those who have taken the time to pour into my life. It inspires me to do the same for others!

I was unexpectedly blessed this morning by a phone call from a friend who just called to thank me for being a part of his life over the last 10+ years. It was something so simple, yet so thoughtful and meaningful!

Who has poured into your life? Who can you thank today? Is there a spiritual father or mother you can honor this weekend?

At the 2015 FCA Convention the Heritage Committee honored Dr. Warren Heckman and his wife Donna for 57 years of ministry in the FCA and for these last 10 years as National Coordinator in the U.S.

Check out the video to see this beautiful tribute:

There were some great things shared of their life and ministry when we shared this video on Facebook. Here are a few:

A true apostle of the gospel!”

“I was blessed to be under his ministry for many years in Madison.”

“So glad we were a part of these years in Madison. What a blessing for our family.”

“Warren always made me feel important and loved. When i grow up I want to be just like Pastor Warren”

“An example to many of us of this generation…”

“An amazing man who has blazed a path of ministry so steeped in integrity, passion, and heart. Warren was a faithful spiritual dad to so many of us.”

“I will never forget walking into my 1st Bible study…Donna was our leader. Both Pastor & Donna had a contagious love for the word and worship! So grateful for our years under their leadership!”
Who can YOU honor with a phone call or message today?

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