We started out the 2015 FCA Canada Convention in Toronto with a a time of envisioning together for the future of the FCA in Canada.

Envision - Paul

Envision - Glen

There were great thoughts shared on what it would mean to have a Fellowship Pastor in FCA Canada, as well as some of the current challenges people are facing in missions and in local church ministry and how to begin to address them.

Envision - Group

Envision - Group 2

We were also treated to delicious meals and times of fellowship together throughout the day.

Food 1


We enjoyed a time of worship and some special musical and dance numbers presented by some of the Toronto area churches.


The Heritage Committee honored Pastor Edwin Wiebe for his 40+ years of faithful ministry in Canada and around the world.


The night was topped off with a great message from David Macfarlane. He reminded us of the power of prayer to win the battle and the importance of our posture in the battle.

Day 1 (28)

He taught out of Exodus 17:8-16 and looked at the different postures that people had in that battle and looked at how those postures affect our lives today…

You can LISTEN to the rest of the message, as well as the Envisioning sessions, HERE.

Follow along with what is happening during the rest of this convention on:

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