[Update: You can now view the main session videos HERE!]
Day Three of the FCA USA National Convention was a powerful day of growing in our understanding and experience of the purposes of the anointing!
Dan Hammer started us out by reminding us all that we’ve been “Anointed for a Unique Purpose.” Jesus Himself was anointed for a purpose (Isaiah 61), and just as the Spirit of the Lord was upon Him, the same Spirit abides within us. Because the anointing is upon us, we have the authority to proclaim the promises of God to His people! Dan shared with us the ‘recipe’ for the anointing, as spelled out in the book of Hebrews along with fun stories of walking in the anointing as he has seen in his life as he has continued to allow the Father to fashion his heart afresh for His glory.
There were powerful workshops that morning as well as lots of time connecting with others that afternoon. That evening the Heritage Committee honored two couples for over thirty years of ministry:
Daryl & Mari Louise Finley
(their son Doug accepted the recognition on their behalf as they were not able to attend due to unexpected health issues but they joined in via livestream).
Ron & Shirley DeVore
The names of those who have gone on to be with the Lord during this last year were also read, including the names of Bob Finke, whose wife Marilyn was present and received prayer for strength as she continues on in ministry throughout South America, and of Scott Volz and Ed Pohlreich who recently died in a tragic car accident in Uganda. Brenda Volz and Marci Pohlreich shared from their heart about the last few weeks and about their determination to continue the work they have been involved in to see the Kingdom of God continue to advance in the nations.
Dr. Stephen List was our speaker that night and he encouraged us from Luke 4:18 & John 21.
The same Holy Spirit that anointed Jesus has anointed us, not just for ministry but for LIFE!
John 21 tells of the time when Peter and some of the other disciples went back to fishing after the resurrection. Their supplier was gone so they went fishing to provide for themselves. They did something that they knew how to do yet they had caught nothing all night. Jesus told them to cast the net from the other side even though they were the ones who “knew what they were doing.” He was saying, “children, shift over!”
God will ask you to do things that don’t make sense, that aren’t logical, but you will know that it’s God! We are coming to the end of an era. Things that had worked in the past don’t work anymore. Those things served their purpose but it’s time to shift! The Holy Spirit is being poured out all over the world but it’s not according to the old ways. Don’t jump out of the boat. Don’t drop the net. Just make the shift God is telling you to do and throw your net on the other side! We are on the brink of an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in this nation and it’s not tied to anything else. You’re not too old to change how you’ve been doing things. God can help you change.
It was daytime and the time for fishing was over but they got the biggest catch because they listened to what Jesus told them to do…even when it didn’t make sense! God has anointed you for living. That’s every day. Every hour. Everything you’re doing. God has things in store for you that you’ve never even dreamed of! Don’t get stuck thinking “I’m just who I am and I can’t do any better.” Step into the divine realm. It’s not far from where you are but you must be willing to make the shift. What God will heap on you will be greater than what you think your capacity is to handle, but don’t worry, you’re net won’t break. He will give you the capacity to handle it.
Trust the anointing that God has already put in you. He has anointed you for a purpose! Walk in boldness and authority into the things He’s calling you to. Stay in the boat, keep the net, but cast it where HE is telling you to cast it!