Thank you for coming here to register as a member with FCA USA.
Please take a few minutes to fill out the form below. Enter your responses carefully since the directory will automatically import your responses exactly as you submit them (including your typos).
To begin, you will need to select the number of people you’re registering. Additional answer fields will be added if your responses require them. At the end of the form, you will be asked to select your payment option (“PAYPAL” for Credit Cards or “BILLING” to have a bill mailed to you). Your registration is completed ONLY after you click “SUBMIT” at the bottom of the form. You will receive a confirmation email with the information you have entered.
- This form is for your Church (which will be listed in the directory under “U.S. Churches”).
- It is ALSO for your entire ministry staff (listed in the directory under “U.S. Individual Ministers”). You should include ALL Pastoral ministry staff in or from your local church. You should also include missionaries who are SENT from your church (where your church is their designated Home/Sending church)—but do NOT include missionaries you support who are sent from another church.
- Phone numbers must be formatted to match the samples precisely, with hyphens and no spaces.
- All fields with a red asterisk (*) must be filled out. If you have nothing to enter in the field, write “NONE.”
- If you are registering a U.S. ministry or parachurch organization, enter its name where the form asks for “Church Name.”
- If you are registering ONLY yourself but NOT your church or ministry, please use our Individual Registration Form.
- If you need to register more than 12 ministers please submit the form and begin a new form and simply put your Church name with a “(2)” following and we will sort it out and send you a bill for the correct amount and list all of your ministers and missionaries with your church.
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