From FCA U.S. President Dan Eide:

Kjell and Reidun Harjo, longtime FCA missionaries to Japan and Pastors of Living Hope Fellowship in Bellingham, Washington, were in a tragic car accident Saturday afternoon, August 15. Their car was hit by a potato sprayer and then flipped into a field. Kjell, age 62, died at the scene. Reidun never lost consciousness, but the medics had to cut her out of her seatbelt.

I talked on the phone with Reidun in the emergency room a few hours after the accident. She has a few scrapes, but otherwise is physically okay. They have family in the area who were already there or on they way to be with their mom. They were expecting to release her from the hospital later in the evening.

The memorial service will be held Friday morning, August 21, 2009 at 11:00 a.m. at Philadelphia Church in Seattle.

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